
The Alaska Grizzlies Academy is a specialized curriculum designed to advance youth athletes by leveraging modern training techniques - USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM) - with the acquisition of sport specific skills in the game of hockey. Development for our youngest athletes within or program is achieved by focusing on reduced player to coach ratios (sometimes down to a 1:1 ratio) and grouped skill sets. Creating a safe training environment with low numbers that includes a program cap, and helps keep players with like skills growing in the activity they enjoy.

We invite you to grow with us this season. With advancement in mind, the development of each player is continually assessed. Players who are ready for more challenges will be moved to appropriate developmental groups to support their continued development. We'll be offering assessments and fun skates for all registered players to get their legs under them for each semester kick-off and grouping. Registration includes jerseys, socks, helmet stickers, and ice time. A brief overview of each curriculum within the Academy is listed below:

NOTE: Once you decide to register you will need to click on the "Register with USA Hockey" link to register with USA Hockey before creating an account or logging in to register for one of our programs. USA Hockey runs updates after 9pm Alaska time. If your registration can not be verified please try again.

♦ 1 - Learn to Hockey - 

Registration opens in May 2025 for the 2025-26 season

The Learn to Hockey program is designed for the newest skater who is looking to learn to skate and hold a stick. This is an opportunity for players to build up endurance to skate for 45 minutes to 1 hour while fostering the love of playing hockey. These skaters will join coaches once a week on either Saturday or Sunday to work on skating in a small group. This class will host brand new skaters from 3-8 years of age for 30-minutes one time per week.

6-week session (starts early Oct. | 1 skate per week | $140 | Register with the link below for the waitlist and we will contact you if a spot opens up.

Learn to Hockey to Ice Puppies -

Registration opens in May 2025 for the 2025-26 season

After your player completes the 6-week Learn to Hockey they will transition to the Ice Puppies program. Players will transition from a one time per week skate to the Ice Puppies schedule of two skates per week.

6-week session (starts early Oct.) | 1 skate per week moving to 2 skates per week for the remainder of season | $395 | Register with the link below for the waitlist and we will contact you if a spot opens up.

♦ 2 - Ice Puppies - Skating 1 year or more -

Registration opens in May 2025 for the 2025-26 season

Our Ice Puppies are on their feet and ready to start learning how to move with the puck and with teammates. These players focus on learning the basics of stopping, edge work, passing, and shooting. These skills are learned in a fun and encouraging environment with the use of skill development games the kids enjoy. This group will start to work on the basics of youth hockey and continue to work on skating as well. These skaters will join coaches and their team for two ice practices a week, usually Saturday and Sunday. This class will host skaters from 4-8 years of age.

Full Season starts September 30th | 2 sessions per week | $425

♦ 3 - Jr Grizzlies - Skating two or more years born 2016/2017

Registration opens in May 2025 for the 2025-26 season

The Jr Grizzlies are skaters who have developed control of their skates and a puck and are working to learn more about team play as they work with coaches to develop individually as well. We also offer a Jr Grizzlies Advanced program for the players working hard to make it to the next step as a Grizzlies competitive player and on to become an Arctic Lion as they develop with us through the world of competitive hockey. The Jr Grizzlies players are also offered additional ice and opportunities to play in jamborees and tournaments in the state covered under the registration fee (travel expenses not covered). All Jr. Grizzlies skate at least two times per week, usually on Saturday and Sunday with additional ice during the week if scheduling permits. These players can be from ages 7-8.

Full Season starts September 30th | 2-3 sessions per week | $495

Step 1: Register with USA Hockey | Step 2: Register with Grizzlies Academy | Step 3: Make sure you have all required equipment including a neck guard. | Step 4: Watch your email for important updates and information.

We know that developing a love for a sport often starts at the beginning of participation. That's why we have developed the Grizzlies Academy to lay the foundation for future acquisition of more advanced skills through fun, motivating practices and games. By creating a program that focuses on developing reasoning skills through unstructured competition, we can build confidence in our athletes through competitive groups. By grouping athletes in similar age, size, and ability groups, we can assist in building skill of all our younger or new to the sport athlete appropriate to help them continue on their hockey journey. With each paid registration, your athlete will receive a practice jersey and helmet stickers to match their skill group.

USA Hockey Registration. Players who register for the Grizzlies Academy are required to register with USA Hockey. Each USA Hockey membership is good for one year (12 months). To complete the process of registering you can go here.

When can I register? Watch for more information on registration and other skate opportunities.


The next session of Alaska Grizzlies Academy will be in Fall 2024!

Skater Age: (Ages 3 to 8 as of December 31st)

Season Start Date: September 28th @ UAF Patty Center

Season End Date: Early March (program breaks for major holidays and school breaks)

Spring/Summer Classes: Starts in April (available by demand)

Player to Coach Ratio Avg: 5:1 (sometimes 1:1)

Ice Sessions: 30-60 minutes

Ice Location: UAF Patty Center

Required Equipment:  **New this year - USA HOCKEY requires neck protection for all players.

Assessments: Yes

Program Contact: Alaska Grizzlies Acadamey Program Coordinator -

Welcome to USA Hockey

Coach's Corner

Sample practice plans for our coaches at the 6/8U level can be found here:

USA Hockey 8U Practice Planning

USA Hockey 6U Practice Planning

Hockey Canada Timbits Under 7 Plans

For more information about coaching, practice plans, and coaching support - reach out to Alaska Grizzlies Academy On-Ice Coordinator at


Looking to Join a team?

We don't believe in closing registration for the current season. Find out more about how you can pro rate your experience this hockey season.


To help you make the decision if our Grizzlies Academy program is the right fit for your young athlete, we've listed a few common questions and answers below regarding the program.

Have more questions? We'd love to answer them. Get in touch with the Board of Directors or email